Trump starts the revolution of cannabis treatments-Trump inicia la revolución de los tratamientos con cannabis

Trump starts the revolution of cannabis treatments

President Trump will sign a federal bill so that some patients can access medical cannabis legally in the United States

Trump starts the revolution of cannabis treatments an other plants

The revolution of cannabis treatments and other plants. It is possible that some may find it insufficient to legalize medical cannabis treatments only in terminally ill patients. But Trump knows what he does. You cannot run without learning to walk first.

In fact, under the name of “terminal illnesses”, Trump demonstrates a broad range of vision. Let’s see why.

Cannabis is so far an illegal substance at the federal level in the United States. President Donald Trump, aware of the medicinal properties of this plant, will sign in a few days the bill called “The law of the right to prove” definitively.

This law will prevent the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) from preventing treatments with natural medicine. Obviously, patients who meet certain requirements may be treated with natural plants such as cannabis and psilocybin, provided they have been the subject of clinical trials.

As we said, it is a huge step for the legalization of medicinal cannabis. Remember that there are still many states in America where medical cannabis is illegal. Therefore, Trump has had to prevail to take a step forward over some state laws.

Last summer, the law “Right to prove” was approved by a large majority in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. But this majority (250 to 169) was achieved thanks to the strong and personal pressure of the president. Medical cannabis is part of the law “Right to try” after an intense clinical trial conducted by the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Sciences (MAPS).

The clinical trial conducted by MAPS, which is already in its second phase of approval by the Federal Drug Agency (FDA), is studying the benefits of cannabis with military veterans who suffer from “Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome” (PTSD). ). It is precisely in these cases where the scope of the bill is seen, since it is considered that people suffering from this syndrome could commit suicide. Therefore, it complies with the requirements of the “Right to prove” law.

“The law” Right to prove “already had its different modalities in some states. However, in some, such as Utah, it was impossible to access cannabis even if the patient was dying. The state of Utah claimed that it was an illegal substance at the federal level. These situations are those that will not happen again in the United States thanks to pressure from Trump.

The most critical point of this new federal law is to establish what diseases can be treated with medicinal cannabis. Because the law does clarify which patients are “eligible” to be treated with marijuana. Patients must suffer diseases or conditions in which the probability of death is high, unless the course of the disease is interrupted, and diseases or conditions with potentially fatal results, where the final point of the analysis of clinical trials is the survival .

Most likely, all these details will be defined according to each state, especially those that have already developed their own version of “The right to try”. Therefore, the most possible thing is to finish writing with the words in accordance with state law.

The main problem that some legislators see is that in those states that have not developed their own version of the “right to try” law, there is a conflict between federal law and state laws. In any case, Trump’s law is a federal law and, therefore, has priority over state law.

Patients who are going to be treated with medicinal cannabis must have exhausted the existing treatments. They are also required to certify in writing their consent so that the doctor can provide them and / or prescribe medicinal cannabis. This is to avoid that some unscrupulous can later take the doctor to trial.

The bill was approved on Tuesday, despite strong opposition from the Capitol Hill Democrats, who believe the law will be to the detriment of the FDA.

Almost certainly, the new federal bill will be signed by President Trump in a few days. Already last January, the president had already mentioned it in his annual speech on the state of the Union. Once again he showed his slogan “America first” by saying that: “People with terminal illnesses should not go from one country to another to seek a cure. I want to give you an opportunity here at home. It’s time for Congress to give these incredible Americans the right to try. “

In fact, last Wednesday, early in the day, Donald Trump again insisted on his support for the bill, using Twitter to communicate who would read his intention to enact it immediately.

We want to congratulate President Donald Trump for initiating this revolution in treatments with cannabis and other plants, of which we have known for too long, that they have medicinal properties.

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