Anglican Church-Iglesia Anglicana

The Anglican Church launches the cannabis business

The almighty Anglican Church invests a fund of 10.5 billion dollars in the cannabis industry

Interestingly, and although it may seem a contradiction, religion and cannabis have walked together for thousands of years. It was not until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire that it became a substance not approved by the new religious authorities, since he began to consider the use of marijuana a heresy.

In fact, we know that for centuries the dried flowers of marijuana were mixed with virgin olive oil and other aromatic herbs to make a product called “kaneh Bosem”, mentioned in the first Gospels found, and that was used to induce the chosen one a kind of trance. Only after having passed through this ceremonial, the anointed one officially agreed to the title of “Christ”, which was an honor destined only for priests and nobility in the Jewish tradition prior to modern Christianity.

Hinduism considers cannabis a divine plant that helps us to contact Shiva, the great creator. And in Islam, the ancient Sufis consumed cannabis resin for their ceremonials.

The relationship that normally existed between the great Churches and prohibitionism is based on strictly political considerations. But they have never had a relationship with their creeds.

That is, cannabis has been demonized by the same religions that previously used it for ceremonials, in recent times. There is a lot of hypocrisy, politics and economic interests in this matter. The famous Don Quixote already said in a conversation with his beloved squire Sancho Panza: “With the church we have met, friend Sancho.” With those brief words Don Quixote explained to Sancho Panza that the Church was the most powerful and corrupt institution of that society.

But the reality is that the great churches of the world are governed by capital, as is the case with the entire market in different countries of the world. And it is proven that legal cannabis gives a lot of money.

The powerful Church of England, the mother of the international Anglican Community, now led by Queen Elizabeth II, has decided to invest part of her enormous fortune in medicinal cannabis, which although legal in the United Kingdom, the truth is that It is prescribed very rarely. Why? This happens for reasons of economic interests on the part of the current political class.

The Anglican Church officially manages a fund of 10.5 billion dollars to manage their expenses and investments in England. However, reality may be different. According to the Financial Times, the amount amounts to 16 billion dollars.

According to Edward Mason, head of investments responsible for the fund of the Commissioners of the Church, they distinguish between medical cannabis and cannabis for recreational use. According to Edward Mason, the Church, “in these moments,” will only invest in medicinal cannabis.

Another spokesman of the Church said that only “traditional companies” that have their “proper license” and “regulated” products for medicinal use will be invested in medical cannabis.

These words have special relevance. The spokesman speaks of “traditional companies” that have their “proper license” and regulated products “for medicinal use”. Which company is working with medicinal cannabis in England and what products are allowed? The company is GW Pharmaceuticals and the products are Sativex and Epidiolex. Coincidentally, Theresa May and her husband have many shares in this pharmaceutical company. And in the United Kingdom, Church and State go hand in hand since centuries ago King Henry VIII declared himself the head of the Church in the country.

In theory, the Anglican Church does not rule out investing in small recreational cannabis companies. But the fact is that, at least for the moment, recreational cannabis is not legal.

The Anglican Church plans to invest 10 percent of its income in the cannabis industry. In his annual report of the commissioners of the Church of the year 2018, he warns that it is about investing in ethical business. And it seems that his approach to being a leader in ethical and responsible investments showed excellent results, says Andrew Brown, Secretary of the Commissioners of the Church.

Saul Kaye, founder and executive director of iCAN, based in Israel, and CannaTech, a cannabis events company with an international focus, expressed his joy at the fact that the Anglican Church was involved because it helps remove the stigma that medicinal cannabis continues to have broad sectors of society.

Similarly thinks Boris Blatnik, CEO of KannaSwiss, based in Switzerland, who said that the involvement of the Anglican Church in natural medicine is a great support to the scientific evidence of the efficacy of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of some diseases.

Will the regrettable legal situation of cannabis change in the UK now that the Church wants its share of the pie? Maybe, it will change because the current situation is regrettable. But let’s hope it is a change for the better and not continue to maintain the private businesses of the political class.

Of course, as the Americans say, “money talks”. If the Church sees business in cannabis, it was only a matter of time before it got involved. And if the current legal status of medical cannabis in this country does not change, Church and State will continue to lead the monopoly of medical marijuana.

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