How long does Marijuana Stay in Your System

How long does Marijuana stay in your system?

From a specific point of view, people have a great need for cannabis. The human body is made up of an endocannabinoid system with receptors that impeccably fit the cannabinoids ingested when marijuana is consumed. Furthermore, our bodies use those cannabinoids for different purposes, producing byproducts that stays for quite a while. Thus, how long does marijuana stay in your system? It relies on the type of system we’re discussing.

Regardless of whether it’s your first time to smoke cannabis and you are inquisitive about the after-effects of marijuana, or you have a drug test at your workplace, understanding how marijuana communicates with your system and knowing how it can be determined is useful information.

The answers to the question of how long weed stays in your system? Will be analyzed by investigating the four sections of the body that easily indicate that you have consumed marijuana.

However, before going deep, we will give a straightforward answer.

Keep in mind that the reason why marijuana is illegal is that of the psychoactive, high-delivering THC, and it’s illegal to use it. Furthermore, that illegal substance is quickly utilized by your body when you consume marijuana.

The procedure can be extended if you ingest marijuana, yet they both have similar outcomes. You can’t continuously remain high because your body rapidly processes all the psychoactive compounds smoked or ingested.

However, the byproducts of that procedure, also known as ‘metabolites,’ can remain in your fatty tissue for quite a while. These fatty tissues are not dynamic; rather they’re indications of the use of cannabis in the past.

So this bring s us back to the question of how long does marijuana stay in your system. It varies on the system works with, THC or its waste metabolite, THC-COOH.

Marijuana won’t remain in your system for long if your system works with active, or delta-9 THC. However, marijuana can stay in your order for a long time if it deals with eliminating inactive THC-COOH.

How long does Weed remain In Your Blood?

How about we begin with the system that indicates signs of weed for a short time. It is called the circulatory system, or all the more particularly, the blood passing through it.

THC and other dynamic cannabinoids should go into your circulatory system to produce results. When weed is smoked, it goes through your lungs. When marijuana is ingested, it passes through your stomach.

Therefore, potent, dynamic cannabinoids pass through your blood to make it to the brain, starting the euphoric feeling of being high, or the medicinal impacts of cannabidiol (CBD).

Your body quickly uses those active cannabinoids in the blood. Furthermore, that is the reason why signs of marijuana consumption don’t remain in your blood for long.

Consequently, organizations or law enforcement will take blood tests after workplace or accidents to uncover that somebody was under the influence of cannabis when the sample was conducted.

Typically, THC remains in the blood for one to two days after marijuana consumption. If you are a regular smoker, marijuana will stay in your blood for up to seven days after your last session.


The short-term impacts of marijuana cannot stop your system from receiving and storing marijuana evidence. This doesn’t imply that you’re high for as long as those synthetic compounds exist in your body. Furthermore, it means you’re in danger of falling a drug test.

Thus, how long does marijuana remain in your system? With regards to salivation and blood, where active THC dwells, pot stays in the body for seven days. However, as far as urine is concerned, marijuana will remain in your system for a long time. Also, with hair, it’ll stay with you for eternity until you trim that hair off.

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