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People ask for cannabis legalization in Paraguay

Cannabis in Paraguay. The organization” Mama Cultiva Paraguay” takes the street to demand more strongly than ever the right to the use and cultivation of cannabis

With the slogan “Pain cannot wait” the organization Mama Cultiva of Paraguay claims the legalization of marijuana in this country of the southern hemisphere on the world day of legalization of cannabis.

Indeed, once again the organization Mama Cultiva Paraguay takes the street claiming the right of the citizen to consume cannabis, and the patient to be treated with this herb whose medicinal properties have been more than demonstrated.

Many protesters waved slogans in which they claimed to comply with Law 6007 of Medicinal Cannabis; and more specifically a budget for its implementation and the immediate application of article 2 of Law 6007. This law guarantees the possibility of having free access to cannabis oil (CBD) and an increase in the research budget of the medicinal properties of the plant, which must be carried out in public laboratories, and not in private ones, which are the ones that are being enriched.

Mama Cultiva Paraguay demands a public policy that is participatory and includes all the beneficial aspects of cannabis. The most important demands were:

1 – Consider the subject as of the utmost urgency. They propose to create a perfectly equipped laboratory so that patients can be treated for free with CBD and other cannabis derivatives, as it is registered in Law 6.007, and that CONACYT is the organization that provides the necessary funds for this program.

2 – The inclusion of self-cultivation and cooperative solidarity cannabis crops in SENAD protocols.

3 – The immediate decentralization of cannabis crops, giving preference to family crops instead of the crops of large corporations.

4 – Implement information campaigns to inform the population about the medicinal benefits of cannabis oil and its effectiveness in the treatment of up to 30 chronic diseases, including cancer. And inform of the right to free use of this natural medicine. They also demand that the norms and laws in this regard be drafted without cheating and with absolute transparency.

The World March of Marijuana has been carried out since 1999, the first Saturday of May, and its purpose is to combat the demonization of the cultivation and consumption of marijuana as well as the end of the persecution of users and growers.

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