Israel’s medical marijuana program has so many problems that many patients are suffering
Shortly after the Israeli government announced that it was going to grant medical cannabis cultivation licenses to 7 new producers, the reality is that many patients are having their medical prescription withdrawn. Everyone who has fought to help Israeli men, women and children with cannabis feels defeated. Although many patients have already had their medical prescription withdrawn, almost all the remaining patients will have to stop their treatments this Sunday.
The State prepares its response to the Patient Association Call for a Restraining Order that would attempt to prevent the confiscation of all medical cannabis. Undoubtedly, the State will request more time to respond, which will delay the entire process.
Sivan Maimoni, 26, died as a result of cancer last Sunday. This young woman from Netanya had been prescribed cannabis oil to stabilize her condition. But as soon as the Ministry of Health terminated his prescription, Sivan Maimoni died. Attendees at the funeral blame his death for the constant and failed reforms of the Deputy Minister of Health, Yaakov Litzman. Some funeral attendants shouted furiously that Sivan died because of the politician and swore to avenge his death.
While performing her mandatory military service, the young Sivan began to feel backaches. He was diagnosed with sarcoma, which is a rare type of cancer that grows in connective tissue, in cells that connect other types of tissue in the body. After undergoing conventional cancer treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it seems he beat cancer.
Sivan began to feel improvement and his life was good and quality. But the cancer came back after a year and a half. The doctors informed her about it and told her that this time was even worse. Sivan did not want to undergo further chemotherapy and decided to take cannabis oil Rick Simpson, an oil product developed by Canadian medical marijuana activist Rick Simpson. We recommend you read our article “RSO, the cannabis oil that repudiated the pharmaceutical industry”. One of Sivan’s best friends tells that Rick Simpson’s oil worked very well and oncologists saw that she was healing.
Sivan was prescribed the oil for two months. During these two months the young woman felt very good and was very excited. But last year, in July 2018, Israel’s medical marijuana reform meant that the type of marijuana Sivan used was no longer available. Finally Sivan died in terrible pain and unable to access Rick Simpson oil.
Her best friend, who also has a son with cancer, says that when Sivan used cannabis oil she felt completely good. It relieved her pain and increased her appetite. There are studies about it and many know it. It is time for Israel and the rest of the world to understand. Sivan almost beat cancer a second time and would be alive if she had had her prescription. Why doesn’t Israel’s medical cannabis program work?
So far all medical cannabis has been declared confiscated. It is impossible to understand how medical cannabis that was cultivated under state license and sponsorship for medical use can be confiscated.
But for now, a 26-year-old woman has died because the government has withdrawn her medical cannabis license.
Definitely, Israel’s medical cannabis program does not work properly.