Growing marijuana in guerrilla

Growing marijuana in guerrilla

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Growing marijuana in guerrilla has advantages and disadvantages as you face problems that are beyond your control

Growing marijuana in guerrilla has been one of the most used practices for the cultivation of cannabis for many people who do not have land or indoor space to make a good crop.

For growing marijuana in guerrilla, the most important thing is to plant in a place away from any urban center and near a constant water source so you don’t have to water. The ideal of a guerrilla crop is to plant the plant, visit it as little as possible and go harvest it.

Growing marijuana in guerrilla has advantages and disadvantages. From the moment you are planting outside your property, if you can get there, other people can also get there, soypur plants may be stolen. Another of the most common problems is that pests end up with your plants, or that you don’t get high quality plants. We are going to give you some tips to reach the end of the crop with our good quality guerrilla plant.

It is very important to choose resistant varieties that do not need special care that require us to visit the plantation, which poses a risk of being discovered. Before germinating the seeds we must have the place of cultivation. The best thing is a place where there is a river nearby, even if it is small, and to locate a site with brambles and reeds, a site of difficult access where you see that nobody would enter. Because if you grow the plants where anyone can find them they will discovered. If we plant where there are reeds, we will never have to water. It is necessary to open a gap between the bushes, reeds or brambles, so that the plant grows being covered by the rest of the vegetation but the light reaches it.

What you should avoid at all costs is to make square or rectangular holes since although the plants cannot be seen at ground level, the police helicopters see them perfectly since there is nothing that attracts more attention in nature than a Geometric figure since it is not something natural.

If it is not possible to plant near a water source, we can mix our soil with polymers so that the soil retains much more moisture. But in this case we will have to go to water every 2 weeks or so, something that can give you away.

Once we have the place for cultivation we have to condition the soil. It is necessary to make a hole, which depending on when we propose to cultívate should be larger or smaller. If we want to grow a fairly large seasonal plant you will have to plant it in March to harvest it in September. In this case the hole should be about 40 x 40 x 60cm deep. If we plant later so that the plants are not too large or if we grow autoflowering plants, a hole of about 20 x 20 x 40cm deep will be more than enough.

It is very important to fill the hole with a good substrate mixed with organic fertilizers powder. If we plant early so that the plant is large you will need a different type of mixture than when you plant late. If it is a dry ground it will be better to fill the hole with a soil that retains moisture well, and if the place of cultivation is very humid, as in the case of the proximity of a stream or between reeds, it is better to put a substrate that It dries well. If we want the substrate to retain more moisture we mix it with polymers, which retain water for a long time. If you want the substrate to dry faster we will mix our substrate with expanded clay.

If we grow in spring it is advisable to mix our substrate with earthworm humus so that even if we use only with water, the plant has enough nitrogen for growth and get a good root system. We must repeat the dose the following month to get the plants to reach the flowering phase without other fertilizers.

If we grow late plants or cars, or when we reach summer which is when they begin the flowering phase, we must mix add to our guano bat substrate. We should use about two tablespoons for every 7 liters of soil we use in our hole. We only have to provide a light organic fertilizer for flowering from time to time to get good quality marijuana.

Cannabis nutrients

For growing marijuana in guerrilla it is important to visit the plants as little as possible. It is best to take them to the chosen site when they are already a certain size so that insects and pests do not devour them, at least until we have been able to spray them with neem oil.

Every 20 days we will have to re-spray the plants with neem and take the opportunity to water them again. It is better that you carry a large container so that you have enough water for all the plants and not have to go to the river many times. Never leave abandoned bottles because on many occasions we are discovered by abandoned remains. Moreover, leaving trash is disgusting. When summer comes, protect them with Bacillus Thuringiensis so that the caterpillars do not eat them. And when the flowering period approaches, it is advisable to spray the plants with propolix for fungi.

With these simple tips we can grow marijuana in guerrilla and get a good harvest without risking having the plants at home.

Growing marijuana in guerrilla has been one of the most used practices for the cultivation of cannabis for many people who do not have land or indoor space to make a good crop.

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