Donald Trump legalizes recreational cannabis in US

Donald Trump legalizes recreational cannabis in US?


A Los Angeles weekly has published a story that has left many impacted. Unfortunately, the news is a joke that is based on a dream that many long for: the federal legalization of cannabis.

But the reality is that Donald Trump has said on numerous occasions that he is in favor of federal cannabis legalization. Therefore, perhaps this false news becomes true news.

We will not repeat exactly his words but the information read as follows:

“Marijuana for recreational use will be federally legal as of April 1 in all states of the United States.

After more than eight decades of federal prohibition, Americans over the age of 21 can legally buy and consume cannabis in all US states and territories“

The consequences of the new law are extensive and would affect many aspects of the lives of cannabis users. What a pity that the news is a joke! Because everything this false news says is a great truth; at least in theory. And it expresses the feeling of most citizens.

According to the false news, the legalization would affect the eradication of criminal records related to convictions for a cannabis offense, the purchase and consumption of cannabis would not be a crime for those over 21 years of age, scientific research, legal business of cannabis would have full access to banking privileges, tax money would be invested in research, education, veterans affairs and health care centers, and trade barriers between states would be removed.

But without a doubt the high point of this joke is to tell that April 4 (4/20) would be declared a federal national holiday.

The best thing about this joke is that they do not warn you that it is a false until the end, in which with a brief phrase they tell you that maybe one day it will become a reality.

How near or far are we from the legalization of cannabis for recreational use under the administration of President Trump? The reality is that Donald Trump is no stranger to this problem and has repeatedly expressed his desire to end the ban.

In 2015, when running for president, Donald Trump was asked about Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana. “I think it’s bad,” he said at the time. However, he later modified his stance on marijuana, stating at a campaign rally that states should be allowed to legalize marijuana. And he has frequently expressed his support for the legalization of medical marijuana. 

The spending bill Trump signed on Feb. 15 funds U.S. government operations through Sept. 30. And, like previous temporary spending bills, it included language that prevents the U.S. Department of Justice from using funds to interfere in states that have legalized medical marijuana. So the president is comfortable with keeping the DOJ out of the way when it comes to medical marijuana.

US lawmakers recently evaluated the reform of marijuana laws in what advocates called a historic hearing, with numerous members of Congress who said they wanted to loosen federal laws, even legalize marijuana.

Trump reached an agreement with Senator Cory Gardner (R.-Colorado) last year to prevent the federal government from challenging Colorado’s marijuana laws. Gardner said he had Trump’s promise to support a legal solution based on federalism to solve the problem of the rights of this state once and for all.

The first step was the signing of the Farm Bill in 2018 to completely legalize hemp and even requalify it as another agricultural product. This law has had a huge impact on the lives of thousands of American farmers and the economy of the country.

A year ago, President Donald Trump said he would probably support the end of the federal ban on marijuana in the United States. This would be a great step to reform the cannabis industry since legalization would end legal repression of the Department of Justice.

This bill, supported by a bipartisan coalition, would remove the ghost of federal prosecution from states that have decided to legalize marijuana, either for medicinal or recreational use. The reality is that Congress has increased pressure to reduce the protection of states in relation to medical marijuana.

President Trump made this comment to several journalists. One of his main supports comes from Senator Cory Gardner (Republican of Colorado), who is a faithful follower of the president’s policy but who is lately concerned about the Justice Department’s threats to restart prosecutions in states that have legalized Marijuana.

Trump said he supported Senator Gardner when he was asked about the bill for the federal legalization of marijuana. The president said they were studying it but would probably end up supporting the legislative proposal.

The legislative proposal, which was also supported by Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat) would be a major change in the legal landscape of marijuana if it became law. Although numerous states have legalized cannabis, the herb remains a risky business with little stability since federal law does not allow its legality. For this reason, banks and lenders do not work with marijuana companies. “If you are in the marijuana business, you cannot get a bank loan or open a bank account due to concerns about the conflict between state and federal laws,” Gardner told a news conference to introduce the new bill. “We need to correct this. It’s time to get this industry out of the shadows, get these dollars out of the shadow,” Gardner told reporters.

The senator described this situation as public hypocrisy. On the one hand, companies are asked to pay their taxes but they are not allowed to participate in the financial system. Ending the ban at the federal level would allow the creation of regulatory standards for marijuana, and allow scientists to conduct research on the medical uses of marijuana. Trump’s support could be of great help to Republicans who care about being labeled too liberal with drugs. Even so, the proposal faces a complicated situation in Congress.

John Hudak, a marijuana policy expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington, said the Gardner-Warren bill faced too many difficulties. Trump said he is likely to support the federal legalization effort despite the warning of a coalition of groups of narcotics officers. Although Trump’s comments were well received by marijuana activists, they do not believe that federal cannabis legalization is a short-term reality.

Trump has repeatedly expressed his support for cannabis. But the truth is that the situation at the federal level has not changed. Gardner hopes to convince more conservative colleagues to join the battle for legalization as one of the rights of the country. Several Republicans are demanding the end of federal marijuana laws that interfere in the states. This position is gaining supporters in Congress.

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