The sustainable cannabis industry

The sustainable cannabis industry

It is important to develop a sustainable cannabis industry and end the stigma of marijuana

To develop a sustainable cannabis industry it is very important to follow exemplary behavior patterns. Without a doubt, marijuana no longer has the bad reputation it had two decades ago. However, there are still many people who think that cannabis is a substance for criminals and drug addicts that has no medicinal value. Now that marijuana has been proven to be a very profitable business, it is more important than ever to turn the cannabis industry into a sustainable and environmentally friendly business. As the great statesman Julius César said, “The wife of César must not only be honored; It also has to look like it”.

In order to develop a sustainable cannabis industry, it is advisable to follow certain behavioral habits by growers, distributors and customers who buy it. Let’s analyze the most important ones. It is necessary to say that these tips are only applicable in places where cannabis has been legalized.

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Buy locally grown cannabis

It is necessary to support local marijuana growers to promote a sustainable cannabis industry. Although many people believe that the cannabis industry is an unlimited source of money, the truth is that there are many small growers who suffer many difficulties. There are different ways to support local cannabis growers so they feel we appreciate their work.

In Spokane County alone, in the state of Washington and with a population of nearly 500,000 people, there are 172 licensed cannabis farms that produce marijuana to supply the county’s 40 retail cannabis stores. As a cannabis consumer you can find your county’s cannabis farms at and ask your favorite retailer or dispensary to bring locally grown products.

In Spokane County, New Day Cannabis and Yield Farms are members of The Cannabis Alliance, a nonprofit state NGO dedicated to the advancement of an ethical and sustainable cannabis industry. It happens the same when it comes to food. If we buy local and seasonal products, we will avoid that what we buy is brought from thousands of kilometers away, which leads to greater fossil fuel consumption in addition to higher prices. If we buy our marijuana from local growers we will be contributing to the development of a sustainable cannabis industry.

Buy cannabis that has been grown without pesticides

There are some states, such as Washington, that do not require pesticide certificates for adult recreational marijuana. Many farms use pesticides to protect the health of the consumer. But organic cannabis cannot have been grown with pesticides. Look for the “General Use” logo of the Department of Health or the “Pesticides tested with confidence” logo to find out what has been tested. Only products with this Health Department logo have been tested to meet state standards. Do not rely on the fact that the producer writes the words “pesticide free” on the package.

Medical marijuana has to be grown organically, without pesticides. It is logical, since we are talking about a medicine. But there are many recreational marijuana users who prefer to smoke organically grown cannabis. Why am I going to poison my body with chemicals? If the old saying “we are what we eat” is true, it should also be true that “we are what we smoke.” If you smoke chemicals you will be poisoned.

Support farms that employ clean and sustainable farming practices in the cannabis industry

Clean Green Certification and Certified Kind companies certify farms that grow marijuana organically, with special emphasis on environmental and social responsibility. In theory, cannabis in the United States cannot be certified as “organic USDA” because it is a federal classification, and cannabis remains illegal at the federal level. The Washington State Department of Agriculture, with the help of The Cannabis Alliance, is working on the development of an organic certification in the state of Washington that will help develop a sustainable cannabis industry.

Buy more quantity

Buy more weed when you go to a dispensary or retail store. Try to avoid buying individual grams. It is better for your economy and for the environment. Washington laws require that cannabis be packaged individually. The organization “Cannabis Alliance” is trying to find solutions to this environmental waste. You, as a consumer, can contribute to the development of a sustainable cannabis industry by buying your marijuana or derivatives in large quantities. An ounce (28 grams) of marijuana, either packaged in glass or plastic, produces less waste than 28 1 gram containers. Also, when you buy an ounce, the price of each gram is almost half that when you buy 28 individual grams. It is a good way to help the environment and your pocket.

The Cannabis Alliance

The Cannabis Alliance is a non-profit NGO dedicated to the development of an ethical and sustainable cannabis industry. Its members try to encourage an industry with social and environmental awareness in addition to fighting the mistakes of the War on Drugs. It is a difficult and complex task because many cannabis licensees also struggle to keep their businesses afloat. The cannabis stores that are members of this NGO allocate part of their income to causes of justice and social equity. In short, this NGO tries to develop a sustainable and fair cannabis industry, which serves to help the community and the maintenance of the environment.

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