Colleges in Michigan Will Continue to Ban Marijuana on Campuses

Colleges in Michigan Will Continue to Ban Marijuana on Campuses

Marijuana is being prohibited at various colleges and universities in Michigan, although Proposal 1 has been passed, which legalizes the recreational use of cannabis in the state. The bill was victorious at the polls in the recent midterm election with more than 55 percent of the vote.

Authorities at Michigan State University recently gave an open letter to the campus community telling students and staff that the outcome of the election would not change the university’s ban on cannabis.

The letter stated that the University of Michigan advises students that the new state law will not change policies banning the utilization or possession of marijuana on any property owned or controlled by MSU, and by faculty, staff, or students of MSU on any of the features of MSU or during off-campus MSU business or activities.

According to the university, due to the permanent ban of cannabis by the federal government, Proposal 1 will not be applicable on campus.

The notice states that the use of marijuana is still illegal and fully criminalized in accordance to federal law, and MSU is subject to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989. Furthermore, the MSU Drug and Alcohol Policy bans the illegal production, distribution, dispensation, possession, and utilization of controlled substances, illicit drugs, and alcohol on areas controlled by the Board of Trustees and at most areas of the university.

The conclusion of the warns of repercussions for violation of the marijuana policy of the school.

If any employees or students violates the university policy which bans the use or possession of illegal drugs on campus, they will be subjected to legal and disciplinary action.

The University of Michigan recently announced a similar declaration, also noting that federal law would be superior over Proposal 1.

The statement reads that the use, possession or cultivation of any form of marijuana and for any purpose continually violates the U-M Alcohol and different Drug Policy and is banned at the university.

President Bob Davies of Central Michigan University declared that marijuana would still be prohibited on campus and at functions of the university.

Davies stated that Prop. 1 doesn’t change CMU policies or federal law — both of which ban the possession, utilization and distribution of marijuana by students, employees and individuals on properties of the university and at all events of the university. The use or possession of marijuana is banned on properties of the university or in the conduct of university business away from campus.

The President of Oakland University, Dr. Ora Hirsch Pescovitz also said that the permanent ban of cannabis at the college, stating that even the use of medical marijuana is banned.

Pescovitz said that as a receiver of federal financial aid and grant funding, Oakland University should follow the regulations outlined in the Controlled Substances Act, the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, and the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act.

Proposal 1 will become active a few days after the state approves election results. Permits for cannabis businesses will be issued when the amendment goes into effect.

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